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The most comprehensive  website policies generator on the market.

Use Web Compliance AI Policy Generator to help comply with global privacy laws such as the CPRA, GDPR, UK DPA, CalOPPA, PIPEDA, and more. We also help you comply with consumer protection laws, provide eCommerce disclosures, and limit your liability. These policies are not included in our ADA Compliance Software but are required by some states. Please contact us for a detailed audit of required policies for your state or country.

Set it & Forget it

When you embed a Web Compliance policy onto a website, it will automatically be updated with newly required disclosures whenever the laws change.

Simple Pricing

All the policies your website or application needs at one low monthly or annual price. 

Unlimited Changes

When you add a new feature or functionality, you can make unlimited changes to your website policies for no extra fee. 

Easy Setup

Answer a few questions to quickly generate any policy that is based on your specific business practices. 

Customer Support

We provide 24 hour customer service related to all compliance policies and services


Easily customize any policy to your liking. We will not change the sections that you customize, but will notify you if new disclosures impact your customized copy.

Please complete the form below and we will setup a quick overview meeting to make sure we get all of the required policies you need. Policies can be created immediately and provided to you the same day. Feel free to CALL US NOW if you need immediate assistance.